this is ferriss mason.
Founder, ComeUp LA | Los Angeles, CA
Ferriss Mason is a community organizer, social entrepreneur,fashion & wardrobe stylist, creative director, event producer and model. Growing up in Oakland, CA, an eclectic, colorful and vibrant city that developed Ferriss into a resourceful community organizer.
ferriss’ daily routine:
"Ohhh! I am rather random lol, but I’ve been working hard to create a morning routine so this is it. Wake up between 6am -7:30am. Have a glass of water with key lime juice and chia seeds. Scan emails & social media. Morning Hike or Workout depending on the day [and] return home, shower & moisturize. Superfoods smoothie, made by me. Lunch at some point. Tuesday evenings are for therapy. And many times this routine turns into lots of naps, coloring for stress relief and binge watching some sort of streaming. When the day is for sure done and it's time to center back to who I AM I turn on my red lights, root chakra meditation music, a little cannabis & my crystal singing bowl tuned to note C. Ending the day with focus on self, healing and growth is always a win and grounds me to what is the most important thing - myself."
on getting started in her career:
"I became a founder with the creation of Come Up LA, I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and have had small dips in the pool as vintage clothing curator, wardrobe & fashion stylist and various other endeavors. I’ve too worked at engineering, accounting and business management firms doing for others what I needed to do for myself. Come Up LA is a combination of all my skill sets and above all firmly plants me in my purpose, which is to be a space of support, knowledge, opportunity and growth for my community."
ferriss' self-care routine:
weekly at home facials
long detox baths
taking time to do absolutely nothing and feeling no shame
setting boundaries and saying no
fueling my body with nutritious, energizing and life giving food